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Baucis & Philemon |
Phaeton & Apollo |
Eurydice water |
Erysicthon & Ceres |
Erysichthon & Hunger |
Ceres |
Alcyone & Amanda |
Alcyone & Aphrodite |
Aphrodite |
Walk of the dead |
Bacchus |
Midas |
Bauccis & Philemon 1 |
Eros & Pysche |
Myrrah |
myrrah & father |
Pandora's Box |
Eurydice |
Eurydice water 2 |
Alcyone & Amanda_1 |
Laundrettes |
Woman |
100_1470 |
100_1555 |
100_1556 |
100_1557 |
100_1586 |
100_1587 |
100_1588 |
100_1589 |
100_1590 |
100_1591 |
100_1592 |
100_1593 |
100_1594 |
100_1595 |
100_1596 |
100_1597 |
100_1598 |
100_1599 |
100_1624 |
100_1630 |
100_1631 |
PC160005 |
PC160006 |
PC160007 |
PC200008 |
PC200009 |
PC200010 |
PC200011 |
PC200012 |
PC200013 |
PC200014 |
PC200015 |
PC200016 |
PC200017 |
PC200018 |
PC200019 |
PC210020 |
PC210021 |