

Over time, the entities responsible for promulgating U.S. financial accounting standards have changed, as have the names of the guidance and standards that they produce. The following list identifies entities; click on each to review details regarding each entity, its role in standard setting, and the types of guidance it issued. After reviewing the role of each entity, select Check Your Understanding.

History of Accounting Standard Setting

The SEC delegates its authority for establishing U.S. financial accounting standards. Complete boxes 1, 2 and 3 in this diagram by selecting the name of the standard setting body for each time period. Complete boxes 4, 5, and 6 by selecting the name of the standards issued by the respective standard-setting bodies.

Congress Creates the Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC, 1934)
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Standard-Setting Organizational Structure

The FASB is part of a larger U.S. standard-setting organizational structure. Click on each entity to review details about its role in standard-setting. After reviewing the role of each entity, select Check Your Understanding.

The overall U.S. financial accounting standard setting organizational structure is illustrated in this diagram. Complete the diagram by entering the name of each standards board in the green rectangles (alphabetical left to right), the associated advisory council in each green oval, and the correct entity creating guidance that is subject to approval by the a board before becoming part of U.S. GAAP (alphabetical top to bottom).

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FASB Seven-Step Process

FASB follows a seven-step standard setting process to issue a final standard. Select each step to review details. After reviewing details of each step, select Check Your Understanding.

You are the Assistant Director of Finance and you hear that the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) is considering changing the standards for how companies present information in their financial statements. Your Director of Finance wants you to be involved. In order, what are the seven-steps that the FASB will go through if this standards update takes place?

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