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Welcome to my web page!

My research interests include evolution and phylogeny, molecular and traditional systematics, ultrastructure, host specificity and geographic distribution of helminths (primarily flatworms) of wild animals as well as life cycles of parasitic worms and their circulation in nature. My laboratory carries out a variety of projects around the world and funded from different sources, primarily NSF and NIH. If you want to find out why parasitology is the most interesting of all zoological disciplines and consider joining a dynamic, productive and friendly lab as an undergraduate or a graduate researcher, contact me by e-mail or just come to my office (room 215 Starcher) when you walk by. I currently teach Biol 376 and Biol 376 L (Animal Biology and Animal Biology Laboratory), Biol 380 (Disease Biology) and seminars from time to time. You may also take research credits Biol 492 (Independent Study) and Biol 494 (Directed Study) or work on your Honors thesis in my lab. Examples of syllabi can be found under the "Teaching" link.





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