
Arkansas 2014

In June 27-July 2, 2014 Vasyl Tkach and then PhD student Stephen Greiman went to Dumas, Arkansas to collect with a great team of colleagues from several universities in Arkansas, Oklahoma and Mississippi. We mostly collected fish parasites, although collected a couple of reptiles for which we had permits. This was a great short trip and a fantastic group of experts to do field work with.

From left to right: Stan Trauth, Renn Tumlison, Steven Greiman, Vasyl Tkach, McAllister, Henry Robison, Thomas Fayton.

Preparing hoop net trap for deployment

Vasyl is setting the trap

Nice shallow lake

Stan Trauth on the boat

Swallow nestlings

Stephen and Thomas Feyton seining

A nice snake

Arkansas swamp TJ is wirking hard
Lots of water lilies Another swamp
It is so green that Stephen's T-shirt lamost blends in Beautiful blue dragonfly
A green one Vanessa atalanta is the same species I used to see in Europe
Stephen releases a turtle This lizards climbed fast up the tree
Checking out the catch Pretty butterfly
 An example of parental care in spiders He has a tick problem! 
Preparing for collecting Ready to go to the field
Blue catfish Chris McAllister organized the trip and collecting
White River A group of voracious caterpillars
Canada goose on Lake of the Ozarks And the rest of his family