In July 2007, Dr. Yuriy Kuzmin of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences accompanied Vasyl and Scott to Northern Queensland. Yuriy is the project’s nematode expert. We started from Townsville and spent a very cold couple of nights in the tropical rainforests of the Atherton Tablelands. We made our way up the Cape York Peninsula to the Wenlock River, the expedition’s northern extreme. Some billabongs near the Wenlock were good to us, providing us turtles for the research and plenty of freshwater shrimp and crayfish for our bellies. This peninsular part of the trip was strangely marked by a complete absence of longnecks. Both Elseya and Emydura flocked into our traps but not a longneck was to be found. All of that changed as we headed west along the Gulf of Carpentaria. Leichardt Lagoon outside of Normanton provided us with trap-stretching numbers of Chelodina rugosa and a stay at the guesthouse of Armraynald Station allowed us to collect both Chelodina rugosa and Chelodina canni. As we moved south the longnecks disappeared again, though we had great luck trapping Elseya latisternum in the Einasleigh River and Cobbold Gorge, where we were treated to some spectacular scenery. We returned to Townsville and spent some time with David Blair of James Cook University. David has provided this project with support since 2004. David arranged a lab for us to dissect our turtles and uncover numerous parasites.
Authors: Vasyl V. Tkach, Scott D. Snyder, Yuriy Kuzmin |