
Mississippi trip (August 2015)

In August of 2015 Vasyl Tkach and Jana Zikmundova, the visiting PhD student from the Iinstitute of Parasitology, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, went to a collecting trip in Mississippi. We were hosted by Robin Overstreet in his lab. Eric Pulis and Stephen Curran helped us with field work. It was a great short trip where we collected interesting specimens and Jana having a good training in different types of habitats and groups of animals. Because of the short duration of the trip the images are arranged more or less randomly.

Most of the collecting work involved use of a boat

Scouting one of the oxbows that are usually great collecting sites

It is beautiful out there

A typical lake close to the Pascagoula River main channel

Pulling the catch from gill net

Living on the river

Moving between sites

Nice swamp with water lilies

This turtle is a full grown adult A fairly large long-nosed gar
Suckers are very common in these waters Invertebrate life is interesting, too
Actually, very interesting Eric Pulis was our captain and the best guide one can imagine
Brown pelican in the morning Herons often rested on the dock
Nerodia showed up to check out what was happening I can never understand how egrets remain so clean in a swamp
We saw lots of these large grasshoppers in the reeds Steve Curran's cat at night did not appreciate camera flash