The primary focus of our 2018 mission is in the design of a deployable rover.
This is an original design which will deploy from the internal structure of the launch vehicle and will exhibit the following functions:
- At landing, the team will remotely activate a trigger to deploy the rover from the rocket.
- After deployment, the rover will autonomously move at least 5 ft. (in any direction) from the launch vehicle.
- Once the rover has reached its final destination, it will deploy a set of foldable solar cell panels.


As the cornerstone of the Student Launch competition and bearer of our rover, our rocket design and construction is of fundamental importance to the team.
Original design and construction of the rocket is assisted by OpenRocket to calculate potential altitude and stability limits. The Frozen Fury team must launch both a subscale and fullsize rocket before competing.
The Team
The Frozen Fury team supplies the creativity and enthusiasm to represent the University of North Dakota and demonstrate it come Huntsville!
Each year a new group of students bring diverse talents to the team. As former members of the team teach greenhorns how we design and construct our project, new blood and iinnovative ideas ever increase the success and legacy of the Frozen Fury.