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The Institutional Report for Continuing Visits


A.     The Institution

A.1. Historical Context

The University of North Dakota is located in Grand Forks, a college town on the Red River of the North separating North Dakota and Minnesota.  The campus includes 235 buildings on 550 acres. The University of North Dakota is the state’s most comprehensive intensive research university and the primary center for professional education and training.  “Founded by the Dakota Territorial Assembly in 1883, six years before statehood, UND was intended to be, and has remained, a university with a strong liberal arts foundation surrounded by a variety of professional and specialized programs” (excerpted from

UND is fully accredited by the North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Undergraduate and graduate students are enrolled in 10 academic divisions, which together offer more than 2,836 courses in 191 fields of study.  The divisions are as follows:

“UND enrolls more than 12, 000 students representing every state and more than 50 nations in baccalaureate, master’s, doctoral, and professional programs.  The five most popular areas include commercial aviation, elementary education, psychology, communication, and nursing.  Graduate education is offered in more than 80 programs, including professional programs in law (J.D.) and medicine (M.D.)” (excerpted from

A.2.  Institution’s Mission

“The University of North Dakota, as a member of the North Dakota University System, serves the state, the country, and the world community through teaching, research, creative activities, and service. State-assisted, the University's work depends also on federal, private, and corporate sources. With other research universities, the University shares a distinctive responsibility for the discovery, development, preservation, and dissemination of knowledge. Through its sponsorship and encouragement of basic and applied research, scholarship, and creative endeavor, the University contributes to the public well-being. The University maintains its original mission in liberal arts, business, education, law, medicine, engineering and mines; and has also developed special missions in nursing, fine arts, aerospace, energy, human resources, and international studies. It provides a wide range of challenging academic programs for undergraduate, professional and graduate students through the doctoral level. The University encourages students to make informed choices, to communicate effectively, to be intellectually curious and creative, to commit themselves to lifelong learning and the services of others, and to share responsibility both for their own communities and for the world. The University promotes cultural diversity among its students, staff and faculty. In addition to its on-campus instructional and research programs, the University of North Dakota separately and cooperatively provides extensive continuing education and public service programs for all areas of the state and region” (excerpted from:

A.3.  Institution’s Characteristics

The University of North Dakota is a public university, one of 11 colleges and universities in the North Dakota University System (NDUS), with a Carnegie classification of RU/H: Research Universities (high research activity). The campus is located in Grand Forks, ND one of four urban areas in the state. As of 2006, the census bureau reports the population of Grand Forks at 53,000 in a state with a total population of 635,867. 

B.     The Unit

B.1.     Candidates enrolled in programs preparing them to work in P-12 schools

         As of the fall of 2007, 801 candidates are enrolled in the unit’s initial (336) and advanced programs (465) for teachers and programs for other professionals.

B.2      Faculty, Including Clinical Supervisors, and Administrators

         As of the fall of 2007, 54 full-time faculty teach, supervise or administer our initial and advanced programs for teachers and programs for other professionals. In addition, 21 graduate assistants teach education courses in the unit and 88 supervisors mentor and support our candidates during the student teaching semester.

B.3.     Academic Rank of the Full Time Professional Education Faculty

Table B.3.1 provides detail describing the ranking of full time professional education faculty. Included in this table are faculty in the Colleges of Arts & Sciences and Business and Public Administration who teach the methods course in the secondary program and K-12 programs.

B.4. Programs for the Preparation of School Professionals

Please refer to table B.4.1 for a complete list of programs and their status.

B.5. Programs Offered Off-campus or Via Distance Learning Technologies
Please refer to table B.5.1 for a complete list of programs.

B.6. Substantive Changes Since the Last Visit

The major organizational and programmatic changes in the unit since the NCATE visit 2001 are bulleted below in sequential order:


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