Gender Agenda, The 2001-02
George Washington Slept Here 1941-42
Gershwin Rhapsody, A 1991-92
Getting Out 1980-81
Ghost Sonata, The 1969-70
Ghosts 1972-73
Giants in the Earth- UND Opera
Company 1973-74
Glass Menagerie, The 1952-53,
Glengary Glen Ross 1998-99
Gloaming, Oh My Darling, The 1989-90
Glory of Living, The 2014-15
Godspell 1973-74, 2009-10
Golden Age, The 1994-95
Good Doctor, The 1977-78
Goodbye, My Fancy 1953-54, 1965-66
Grammar Gurton’s Needle (Double
Bill) 1955-56
Grapes of Wrath, The 1997-98
Grease 2005-06
Great Big Doorstep, The 1945-46
Greater Tuna 1989-90
Greatest Show on Earth, The 1970-71