Solutions To Selected Problems

Chapter 15

Exercises 15.1

  1. 1.

    When C is a curve in the plane and f is a surface defined over C, then Cf(s)𝑑s describes the area under the spatial curve that lies on f, over C.

  2. 3.

    The variable s denotes the arc-length parameter, which is generally difficult to use. The Key Idea allows one to parametrize a curve using another, ideally easier-to-use, parameter.

  3. 5.


  4. 7.


  5. 9.

    Over the first subcurve of C, the line integral has a value of 3/2; over the second subcurve, the line integral has a value of 4/3. The total value of the line integral is thus 17/6.

  6. 11.


  7. 13.


  8. 15.


  9. 17.


  10. 19.


  11. 21.


  12. 23.


  13. 25.


  14. 27.

    M=82π2 g; center of mass is (0,-1/(2π),8π/3).

  15. 29.


  16. 31.

Exercises 15.2

  1. 1.

    Answers will vary. Appropriate answers include velocities of moving particles (air, water, etc.); gravitational or electromagnetic forces.

  2. 3.

    Specific answers will vary, though should relate to the idea that the vector field is spinning clockwise at that point.

  3. 5.

    Correct answers should look similar to






  4. 7.

    Correct answers should look similar to






  5. 9.

    divF=1+2y; curlF=0

  6. 11.

    divF=xcos(xy)-ysin(xy); curlF=ycos(xy)+xsin(xy)

  7. 13.

    divF=3; curlF=-1,-1,-1

  8. 15.

    divF=1+2y; curlF=0

  9. 17.

    divF=2y-sinz; curlF=0

  10. 19.
  11. 21.
  12. 23.
  13. 25.

Exercises 15.3

  1. 1.

    False. It is true for line integrals over scalar fields, though.

  2. 3.


  3. 5.

    We can conclude that F is conservative.

  4. 7.

    11/6. (One parametrization for C is r(t)=3t,t on 0t1.)

  5. 9.

    0. (One parametrization for C is r(t)=cost,sint on 0tπ.)

  6. 11.

    12. (One parametrization for C is r(t)=1,2,3+t3,1,-1 on 0t1.)

  7. 13.


  8. 15.


  9. 17.


  10. 19.


  11. 21.


  12. 23.
  13. 25.
  14. 27.

    5/6 joules. (One parametrization for C is r(t)=t,t on 0t1.)

  15. 29.

    24 ft-lbs.

  16. 31.

    2/3 joules

  17. 33.


  18. 35.


  19. 37.


  20. 39.


  21. 41.

    Yes. f(x,y,z)=x2/x+xy+z3/3.

  22. 43.
    (a) f(x,y)=xy+x (b) curlF=0. (c) 1. (One parametrization for C is r(t)=t,t-1 on 0t1.) (d) 1 (f(0,1)=0 and f(1,0)=1)
  23. 45.
    (a) f(x,y)=x2yz (b) curlF=0. (c) 250. (d) 250 (f(1,-1,0)=0 f(5,5,2)=250)
  24. 47.
    (a) f(x,y)=xy2+x3/3 (b) curlF=0 (c) 0. (d) 0 (f(1,0)=1/3)
  25. 49.
    (a) f(x,y)=x2y2/2 (b) curlF=0 (c) 625π4/2048 (d) 625π4/2048 (f(0,0)=0, f(-5π/42,-5π/42)=625π4/2048
  26. 51.

    Since F is conservative, it is the gradient of some potential function. That is, f=fx,fy,fz=F=M,N,P. In particular, M=fx, N=fy and P=fz.

    Note that curlF=Py-Nz,Mz-Px,Nx-My=fzy-fyz,fxz-fzx,fyx-fxy, which, by Theorem 13.3.1, is 0,0,0.

  27. 53.
  28. 55.
  29. 57.

    (b) No. Hint: Think of how f is defined.

  30. 59.

    0; no

Exercises 15.4

  1. 1.

    along, across

  2. 3.

    the curl of F, or curlF

  3. 5.


  4. 7.


  5. 9.


  6. 11.


  7. 13.

    The line integral CF𝑑r, over the parabola, is 38/3; over the line, it is -10. The total line integral is thus 38/3-10=8/3. The double integral of curlF=2 over R also has value 8/3.

  8. 15.

    Three line integrals need to be computed to compute CF𝑑r. It does not matter which corner one starts from first, but be sure to proceed around the triangle in a counterclockwise fashion.

    From (0,0) to (2,0), the line integral has a value of 0. From (2,0) to (1,1) the integral has a value of 7/3. From (1,1) to (0,0) the line integral has a value of -1/3. Total value is 2.

    The double integral of curlF over R also has value 2.

  9. 17.


  10. 19.


  11. 21.


  12. 23.


  13. 25.
  14. 27.


  15. 29.

    Any choice of F is appropriate as long as curlF=1. When F=-y/2,x/2, the integrand of the line integral is simply 6. The area of R is 12π.

  16. 31.

    Any choice of F is appropriate as long as curlF=1. The choices of F=-y,0, 0,x and -y/2,x/2 each lead to reasonable integrands. The area of R is 16/15.

  17. 33.

    The line integral CFn𝑑s, over the parabola, is -22/3; over the line, it is 10. The total line integral is thus -22/3+10=8/3. The double integral of divF=2 over R also has value 8/3.

  18. 35.

    Three line integrals need to be computed to compute CFn𝑑s. It does not matter which corner one starts from first, but be sure to proceed around the triangle in a counterclockwise fashion.

    From (0,0) to (2,0), the line integral has a value of 0. From (2,0) to (1,1) the integral has a value of 1/3. From (1,1) to (0,0) the line integral has a value of 1/3. Total value is 2/3.

    The double integral of divF over R also has value 2/3.

  19. 37.

Exercises 15.5

  1. 1.

    Answers will vary, though generally should meaningfully include terms like “two sided”.

  2. 3.
    (a) r(u,v)=u,v,3u2v on -1u1, 0v2. (b) r(u,v)=3vcosu+1,3vsinu+2,3(3vcosu+1)2(3vsinu+2), on 0u2π, 0v1. (c) r(u,v)=u,v(2-2u),3u2v(2-2u) on 0u,v1. (d) r(u,v)=u,v(1-u2),3u2v(1-u2) on -1u1, 0v1.
  3. 5.

    r(u,v)=0,u,v with 0u2, 0v1.

  4. 7.

    r(u,v)=3sinucosv,2sinusinv,4cosu with 0uπ, 0v2π.

  5. 9.

    Answers may vary.

    For z=12(3-x): r(u,v)=u,v,12(3-u), with 1u3 and 0v2.

    For x=1: r(u,v)=0,u,v, with 0u2, 0v1

    For y=0: r(u,v)=u,0,v/2(3-u), with 1u3, 0v1

    For y=2: r(u,v)=u,2,v/2(3-u), with 1u3, 0v1

    For z=0: r(u,v)=u,v,0, with 1u3, 0v2

  6. 11.

    Answers may vary.

    For z=2y:r(u,v)=u,v(4-u2),2v(4-u2) with -2u2 and 0v1.

    For y=4-x2:r(u,v)=u,4-u2,2v(4-u2) with -2u2 and 0v1.

    For z=0: r(u,v)=u,v(4-u2),0 with -2u2 and 0v1.

  7. 13.

    Answers may vary.

    For x2+y2/9=1: r(u,v)=cosu,3sinu,v with 0u2π and 1v3.

    For z=1: r(u,v)=vcosu,3vsinu,1 with 0u2π and 0v1.

    For z=3: r(u,v)=vcosu,3vsinu,3 with 0u2π and 0v1.

  8. 15.

    Answers may vary.

    For z=1-x2: r(u,v)=u,v,1-u2 with -1u1 and -1v2.

    For y=-1: r(u,v)=u,-1,v(1-u2) with -1u1 and 0v1.

    For y=2: r(u,v)=u,2,v(1-u2) with -1u1 and 0v1.

    For z=0: r(u,v)=u,v,0 with -1u1 and -1v2.

  9. 17.


  10. 19.


  11. 21.


  12. 23.
  13. 25.


  14. 27.


Exercises 15.6

  1. 1.

    curve; surface

  2. 3.


  3. 5.


  4. 7.


  5. 9.


  6. 11.


  7. 13.

    0; the flux over 𝒮1 is -45π and the flux over 𝒮2 is 45π.

  8. 15.


Exercises 15.7

  1. 1.

    Answers will vary; in Section 15.4, the Divergence Theorem connects outward flux over a closed curve in the plane to the divergence of the vector field, whereas in this section the Divergence Theorem connects outward flux over a closed surface in space to the divergence of the vector field.

  2. 3.


  3. 5.
    Outward flux across the plane z=2-x/2-2y/3 is 14; across the plane z=0 the outward flux is -8; across the planes x=0 and y=0 the outward flux is 0. Total outward flux: 14. DdivFdV=0403-3x/402-x/2-2y/3(2x+2y)𝑑z𝑑y𝑑x=14.
  4. 7.
    Outward flux across the surface z=xy(3-x)(3-y) is 252; across the plane z=0 the outward flux is -9. Total outward flux: 243. DdivFdV=03030xy(3-x)(3-y)12𝑑z𝑑y𝑑x=243.
  5. 9.
  6. 11.

    Circulation on C: CF𝑑r=π


  7. 13.

    Circulation on C: The flow along the line from (0,0,2) to (4,0,0) is 0; from (4,0,0) to (0,3,0) it is -6, and from (0,3,0) to (0,0,2) it is 6. The total circulation is 0+(-6)+6=0.


  8. 15.


  9. 17.


  10. 19.


  11. 21.


  12. 23.


  13. 25.


  14. 27.

    Each field has a divergence of 1; by the Divergence Theorem, the total outward flux across 𝒮 is D1𝑑S for each field.

  15. 29.

    Answers will vary. Often the closed surface 𝒮 is composed of several smooth surfaces. To measure total outward flux, this may require evaluating multiple double integrals. Each double integral requires the parametrization of a surface and the computation of the cross product of partial derivatives. One triple integral may require less work, especially as the divergence of a vector field is generally easy to compute.

  16. 31.
  17. 33.
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