, see factorial
, see Jacobian
, see del operator
Absolute Convergence Theorem Theorem 9.5.2
absolute maximum Definition 3.1.1
absolute minimum Definition 3.1.1
Absolute Value Theorem Theorem 9.1.2
acceleration Definition 12.3.1, §2.2
Alternating Harmonic Series §9.5, §9.8
Alternating Series Test
Theorem 12.4.2, §12.5
analytic function §9.10
angle of elevation §12.3
antiderivative Definition 5.1.1
arc length Key Idea 10.1.1, Theorem 10.3.1, §10.5, Theorem 12.2.6, §12.5
arc length parameter §12.5, Theorem 12.5.1
Theorem 12.4.2, §12.5
average rate of change Definition 12.1.3
average value of a function Definition 14.2.2
average value of function Definition 5.4.1
Binomial Series §9.10
Bisection Method §1.6
boundary point Definition 13.2.1
bounded sequence Definition 9.1.4
bounded set Definition 13.2.1
center of mass §14.4, Theorem 14.4.1, Theorem 14.4.2, Theorem 14.4.3, Definition 14.6.4
Chain Rule Theorem 2.5.1
change of variable §14.7, Theorem 14.7.3
circle of curvature §12.5
circulation §15.4
closed Definition 13.2.1
closed disk Definition 13.2.1
concave down Definition 3.4.1
concave up Definition 3.4.1
concavity §10.3, Definition 3.4.1
conic sections §10.0
connected §15.3
conservative field Definition 15.3.2, Theorem 15.3.2, Theorem 15.3.3
Constant Multiple Rule
constrained critical point §13.9
constrained optimization §13.8
continuous function Definition 1.6.1, Definition 13.2.3
contour lines §13.1
critical number Definition 3.1.3
critical point Definition 13.8.2, Definition 13.8.3, Theorem 13.8.1, Definition 3.1.3
critical value Definition 3.1.3
cross product
curl §15.2, Definition 15.2.3
curvature Definition 12.5.1
curve sketching Key Idea 3.5.1
cusp Definition 10.2.2
cycloid Example 12.1.4
cylinder Definition 11.1.2
cylindrical coordinates §14.7
decreasing function Definition 3.3.1
definite integral Definition 5.2.1
del operator §13.6, §15.2
acceleration Key Idea 2.2.1
as a function Definition 2.1.3
at a point Definition 2.1.1
basic rules Theorem 2.3.1
Chain Rule Theorem 13.5.1, Theorem 13.5.2, §2.5, Theorem 2.5.1
Constant Multiple Rule Theorem 2.3.2
Constant Rule Theorem 2.3.1
differential Definition 4.3.1
directional Definition 13.6.1, Definition 13.6.3, Key Idea 13.6.1, Theorem 13.6.1, Theorem 13.6.2, Theorem 13.6.3
First Deriv. Test Theorem 3.3.2
Generalized Power Rule Theorem 2.5.2
higher order Definition 2.3.1
hyperbolic funct. Key Idea 7.4.1
implicit Theorem 13.5.3, §2.6
interpretation §2.2
inverse hyper. Key Idea 7.4.3
inverse trig. Theorem 7.2.2
Mean Value Theorem Theorem 3.2.1
mixed partial Definition 13.3.2
motion Key Idea 2.2.1
multivariable differentiability Definition 13.4.2, Definition 13.4.4
notation Definition 2.1.3, Definition 2.3.1
parametric equations Key Idea 10.3.1
partial Definition 13.3.1, Definition 13.3.3
Power Rule Theorem 2.3.1
power series Theorem 9.8.3
Product Rule Theorem 2.4.1
Quotient Rule Theorem 2.4.2
Second Deriv. Test Theorem 3.4.3
Sum/Difference Rule Theorem 2.3.2
tangent line Definition 2.1.2
trigonometric functions Theorem 2.4.3
vector-valued functions Definition 12.2.3, Theorem 12.2.3, Theorem 12.2.4
velocity Key Idea 2.2.1
differentiable Definition 13.4.2, Definition 13.4.4, §2.1
differential Definition 4.3.1
Direct Comparison Test
directional derivative Definition 13.6.1, Definition 13.6.3, Key Idea 13.6.1, Theorem 13.6.1, Theorem 13.6.2, Theorem 13.6.3
directrix Definition 10.0.1, Definition 11.1.2
discontinuous §1.6
Disk Method Key Idea 6.2.1
displacement §12.1, §12.2, §5.4
divergence §15.2, Definition 15.2.2
Divergence Theorem
dot product
double integral Definition 14.2.1, Theorem 14.2.2
elementary function §8.7
ellipsoid 23.
Extreme Value Theorem Theorem 13.8.3, Theorem 3.1.1
extreme values Definition 3.1.1
factorial §9.1
First Derivative Test Theorem 3.3.2
floor function Example 1.6.2
flow §15.4, Definition 15.4.1
fluid pressure/force Definition 6.5.1, Key Idea 6.5.1
flux §15.4, Definition 15.4.1, §15.6, Definition 15.6.2
focus Definition 10.0.1, Definition 10.0.2, Definition 10.0.3
Fubini’s Theorem Theorem 14.2.2
Fundamental Theorem of Calculus Theorem 5.4.1, Theorem 5.4.2
Fundamental Theorem of Line Integrals §15.3, Theorem 15.3.2
Gabriel’s Horn Example 10.1.6
gamma function 48.
Gauss’s Law Example 15.7.3
Generalized Power Rule Theorem 2.5.2
geometric sequence Definition 9.1.3
geometric series Definition 9.2.2, Theorem 9.2.1
gradient Definition 13.6.2, Definition 13.6.3, Key Idea 13.6.1, Theorem 13.6.2, Theorem 13.6.3
Green’s Theorem §15.4, Theorem 15.4.1
Head To Tail Rule §11.2
Hooke’s Law §6.4
hyperbolic function
implicit differentiation Theorem 13.5.3, §2.6
improper integration Definition 8.6.1, Definition 8.6.2
incompressible vector field §15.2
increasing function Definition 3.3.1
indefinite integral Definition 5.1.2
indeterminate form §1.1, §1.5, §7.5, Key Idea 7.5.1
inflection point Definition 3.4.2
initial point Definition 11.2.1
initial value problem §5.1
Integral Test Theorem 9.3.1
arc length Key Idea 10.1.1
area item (b), §14.1, Definition 5.2.1
area between curves Theorem 6.1.1
average value Definition 5.4.1
by parts Theorem 8.1.1
by substitution Theorem 5.5.1
definite Definition 5.2.1
displacement §5.4
distance traveled Theorem 12.3.1
double Definition 14.2.1
fluid force Definition 6.5.1, Key Idea 6.5.1
Fun. Thm. of Calc. Theorem 5.4.1, Theorem 5.4.2
general application technique Key Idea 6.0.1
hyperbolic funct. Key Idea 7.4.1
improper Definition 8.6.1, Definition 8.6.2, Theorem 8.6.1, Theorem 8.6.2
indefinite Definition 5.1.2
inverse hyper. Key Idea 7.4.4
iterated Definition 14.1.1
Mean Value Theorem Theorem 5.4.3
multiple Definition 14.1.1
notation Definition 14.1.1, §5.1, Definition 5.2.1, §5.4
numerical §8.7
of multivariable functions §14.1
of power series Theorem 9.8.3
of trig. functions Theorem 5.5.2
of trig. powers Key Idea 8.2.2
of trig. powers Key Idea 8.2.1
of vector-valued functions Definition 12.2.6
Power Rule Theorem 5.1.3
Sum/Difference Rule §5.1
surface area Key Idea 10.1.2, Key Idea 10.3.4, Key Idea 10.5.4
trig. subst. Key Idea 8.3.1
triple Definition 14.6.1, Definition 14.6.2, Definition 14.6.3, Theorem 14.6.2, Theorem 14.6.4
with cylindrical coordinates Theorem 14.7.1
with spherical coordinates Theorem 14.7.2
work Key Idea 6.4.1
interior point Definition 13.2.1
Intermediate Value Theorem Theorem 1.6.4
interval of convergence Definition 9.8.2
irreducible quadratic §8.4
iterated integration Definition 14.1.1, Definition 14.2.1, Theorem 14.2.2, Definition 14.6.1, Definition 14.6.2, Definition 14.6.3, Theorem 14.6.2, Theorem 14.6.4
Jacobian §14.7
Lagrange multiplier §13.9
lamina §14.4
Left Hand Rule §5.3, §5.3, §8.7
Left/Right Hand Rule Key Idea 8.7.1
level curves §13.1, Theorem 13.6.2
level surface §13.1, §13.6
L’Hôpital’s Rule item (b), Theorem 7.5.2
Limit Comparison Test
line integral
linearization §4.3
lines §11.5
logarithmic differentiation §7.3
Maclaurin Polynomial, see also Taylor Polynomial
Maclaurin Series, see also Taylor Series
magnitude of vector Definition 11.2.1
mass §14.4, Definition 14.4.1, Definition 14.6.4, Definition 15.1.2
Mean Value Theorem
Midpoint Rule §5.3, §5.3, Key Idea 8.7.1
Möbius band §15.5
moment Definition 14.4.2, Theorem 14.4.3, Definition 14.6.4
monotonic sequence Definition 9.1.5
multiple integration, see iterated integration
multivariable function Definition 13.1.1, Definition 13.1.2
continuity Definition 13.2.3, Definition 13.2.4, Theorem 13.2.3, Theorem 13.4.2
differentiability Definition 13.4.2, Definition 13.4.4, Theorem 13.4.1, Theorem 13.4.2
domain Definition 13.1.1, Definition 13.1.2
level curves §13.1
level surface §13.1
limit Definition 13.2.2, Definition 13.2.4, Theorem 13.2.1
range Definition 13.1.1, Definition 13.1.2
nabla, see del operator
Newton’s Method Key Idea 4.4.1
norm Definition 11.2.1
normal line Definition 10.3.2, Definition 13.7.2
normal vector §11.6
numerical integration §8.7
one to one §15.5, §7.1
open Definition 13.2.1
open ball Definition 13.2.4
open disk Definition 13.2.1
optimization §4.2
orientable §15.5
orthogonal Definition 11.3.2, Definition 13.7.2
orthogonal decomposition of vectors Key Idea 11.3.1
orthogonal projection Definition 11.3.3
osculating circle §12.5
outer unit normal vector §15.7
-series Definition 9.3.1, Theorem 9.3.2
parallel vectors Definition 11.2.5
Parallelogram Law §11.2
parameterized surface Definition 15.5.1
parametric equations
partial derivative Definition 13.3.1, Definition 13.3.3
path independent Definition 15.3.2, Theorem 15.3.2
perpendicular, see orthogonal
piecewise smooth curve §15.1
point of inflection Definition 3.4.2
polar coordinates §10.4
potential function §15.2, Definition 15.3.3
Power Rule
power series Definition 9.8.1
Product Rule
projectile motion §12.3, Example 12.4.7
quadric surface
Quotient Rule Theorem 2.4.2
radius of convergence Definition 9.8.2
radius of curvature §12.5
Ratio Comparison Test
rearrangements of series §9.5, Theorem 9.5.2
related rates §4.1
Riemann Sum §5.3, §5.3, Definition 5.3.1
Right Hand Rule §5.3, §5.3, §8.7
right hand rule
of Cartesian coordinates §11.1
Rolle’s Theorem Theorem 3.2.2
Root Comparison Test
saddle point Definition 13.8.3, Theorem 13.8.2
sawtooth wave 55.
scalar §11.2
Second Derivative Test Theorem 13.8.2, Theorem 3.4.3
sensitivity analysis §13.4
Shell Method Key Idea 6.3.1
signed area §5.2
signed volume Definition 14.2.1, Theorem 14.2.2
simple curve §15.3
simply connected §15.3
Simpson’s Rule §8.7, Key Idea 8.7.1
smooth Definition 12.2.5
smooth curve Definition 10.2.2
speed Definition 12.3.1
sphere §11.1
spherical coordinates §14.7
square wave 65.
Squeeze Theorem Theorem 1.3.5
Stokes’ Theorem Theorem 15.7.2
Sum/Difference Rule
surface Definition 15.5.1
surface area Definition 14.5.1
surface integral Definition 15.6.1
surface of revolution Key Idea 11.1.2, Key Idea 11.1.3
tangent half-angle substitution 53.
tangent line Definition 10.3.1, Key Idea 10.5.1, Definition 12.2.4, Definition 2.1.2
tangent plane Definition 13.7.3
Taylor Polynomial
Taylor Series
Taylor’s Theorem Theorem 9.9.1
telescoping series §9.2, Example 9.2.3
terminal point Definition 11.2.1
total differential Definition 13.4.1, Definition 13.4.3
sensitivity analysis §13.4
total signed area §5.2
trace §11.1
Trapezoidal Rule §8.7, Key Idea 8.7.1
triangle wave 56.
triple integral Definition 14.6.1, Definition 14.6.2, Definition 14.6.3, Theorem 14.6.2, Theorem 14.6.4
unbounded sequence Definition 9.1.4
unbounded set Definition 13.2.1
unit normal vector
unit tangent vector
unit vector Definition 11.2.4
vector field Definition 15.2.1
vector-valued function
vectors Definition 11.2.1
velocity Definition 12.3.1, §2.2
volume Definition 14.2.1, Theorem 14.2.2, Theorem 14.6.1
Washer Method Key Idea 6.2.2
work Definition 11.3.4, Key Idea 6.4.1